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A bridge to the unknown



Internationalisation is the process whereby organisations venture into foreign markets. Some of the traditional methods used by firms to enter and serve these markets are:

  • Inward modes which include activities such as purchasing of final goods, raw materials, components, machinery, technologies, licenses, or other know-how in these new markets
  • Indirect modes include subcontracting to an exporting firm and indirect exporting through domestic or foreign agents or other intermediaries
  • Direct modes cover direct exporting to foreign customers and the selling of licenses to licensees abroad
  • Investment modes refer to investments in marketing or manufacturing firms abroad, either alone or in co-operation with another firm (joint ventures)

Key principles behind an internationalisation process:

  • Be visionary and forward-looking
  • Be top-down and bottom-up in your views
  • Be informed by multi-source research data
  • Be professionally-responsive
  • Be socially responsible
  • Be culturally inclusive
  • Be sensitive to diversity


® 2007 Perspico Ltd